With research and experience of over three decades in 'Early Childhood Education', our Pre-KG in Vijayaranga was of utmost importance to our founder, Academician Prof. Dr. Ranganath Bharadwaj.
We offer an integrated teaching Methodology of the Montessori method and the Structural pedagogy, focusing on our motto, 'Flowering Of Every Individual'. With highly experienced and trained teaching faculty, our Pre-KG curriculum and activities are tailored to identify each child and nurture their individuality. We focus on building their social & interpersonal skills, cognitive skill development, language & logic observation, motor skill enhancement and brain development; with activities that focus on both, individual exercises as well as activities with peers.
Our spacious classrooms are home to their writing lessons, recitation & oration, numbers, rhymes, Sanskrit shlokas and storytelling with emphasis on phonetics and semantic understanding. Our classroom, however, is not restricted to our school campus. We celebrate various festivals, colours and have planned field trips to engage their curious minds with experiential and experimental learning, which is designed as part of their personality development program. We visit the markets, post office and playgrounds to play organised games and athletics.
Our most unique feature is the exposure we provide to various art forms by multiple artists and professionals. Housed in The Structural School of Fine Arts, our students are routinely trained in music, dance, fine arts and craft, yoga-meditation and allied forms. They also perform in our auditorium regularly, tackling their stage fear. They get to watch professional dance performances, listen to beautiful music, witness art exhibitions, watch theater plays and puppet shows.
A Sight to See
Experimental & Experiential Learning
Sports and Games
Introduction to Art
Stage Exposure
Communication and
Story Telling
The best blend of Montessori Method and Structural Method.