Our Theatre Arts department has a legacy of over 50 years, making it older than our Institute itself. It was, in fact, Prof. Bharadwaj’s stage activities that marked the inception of The Structural School of Fine Arts as a centre for the allied arts for Theatre that could aid an impactful performance experience.

Our curriculum encompasses explorations of novel thematic and representational ideas. We emphasise on training for effective performance techniques for different types of stages, such as arena, thrust, intimate & proscenium spaces. Apart from Acting itself, focus on the elements of stage craft such as use of lights, sets, decor, costumes, sound, make-up and use of new media is given importance.
Our stage craft exhibition through stage model models embellished with all these elements and scaled miniature characters at eminent venues such as J.J School of Art have been lauded by critics. We also specially focus on one-person drama techniques, Mime acting and Voice culture through workshops. Students are trained in script reading, script writing, character building and stage direction.
Our training includes classical, folk & contemporary music, dance, yoga, fine arts and other allied art. Students are introduced to Natyasastra, an Indian Treatise about Dramaturgy, with importance given to the concept of ‘Rasa Theory’. Students are also introduced to the Theatre Schools of Aristotle, Plato, Stanislavsky and Bharadwaj.
We have been offering Educational Theatre programs to students from various schools and colleges. Our executive workshops have been offered to companies such as BHEL, BEL, Cypress Semiconductors on multiple occasions. We have offered Theatre Therapy workshops to differently abled children and students. Prof. Bharadwaj has guided the Dept. of Performing Arts at Christ University to formulate the Theatre Curriculum there.

Our Theatre productions have travelled across the country and some parts of the world, with raving reviews by critics, connoisseurs and audiences everywhere. Prof. Bharadwaj too, has travelled across the world, including the Stanislavski’s Moscow Art Theatre in Russia and the Drama Department of University of Saskatoon in Canada.